concerning to children. Ohio Department of Health Director Amy Acton,
MD, MPH, recommends that parents and others who work with young
people strive to help them feel understood, empowered, and hopeful.
She offers the below guidelines.
Remind children that
doctors and healthcare workers
are learning as much as they
can about the virus as quickly
as possible and are doing what
they can to keep everyone safe.
Reassure children that
they are safe. Let them know it is
OK if they feel upset.
Help children label strong
emotions and understand how
those emotions might drive them
to act in unhelpful ways.
Share with them how you
deal with your own stress so that
they can learn how to cope. Help
them discover what works for
them to address stress (activities
that build skills versus activities
that help them escape).
Limit children’s exposure
to media coverage of the
pandemic. Discuss what they are
hearing on the news or through
social media and correct any
misinformation or rumors
you may hear. Keep young
children away from frightening
images they may see on TV,
social , computers, etc. media,
computers, etc.

Discuss ways to maintain
a sense of structure. See Setting
a New Routine.
Ask children about
their ideas for connecting
remotely with friends and
family members. Encourage
contact through electronic
communications, phone calls,
letters, and other safe ways to
Discuss examples of
people, including young people,
who are trying to help others
during the pandemic or sharing
messages of hope. Participate in
a community response, such as
chalking the sidewalk, creating
rainbows, or hanging hearts in
windows. Set a good example
by showing empathy and
support to those who are ill.
Remind children
that lifestyle changes and
stressors are temporary and
that some sense of normalcy
will return when it is safe.
Discuss with children
the importance of washing
hands often, coughing
into a tissue, and getting
enough sleep. Inform them of
COVID-19 symptoms.
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Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ulla
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Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ulla

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