The University of Akron is accepting applications for Make it at Myers, a free, two-week art program that is open to current high school sophomores and juniors. (Courtesy of the University of Akron).

AKRON, Ohio – The University of Akron is accepting applications for Make it at Myers, its free pre-college art program at the Myers School of Art this summer.
The two-week, in-person program is open to current high school sophomores and juniors who are interested in art and design. The program showcases how the university works across disciplines and includes open studios in the areas of ceramics, photography, painting/drawing, maker lab and graphic design. Several field trips to area museums and galleries are also included in the experience.
Throughout the program, participants will work with art school faculty and staff to create a personal narrative while gaining a better understanding of the art and design school. Participants’ final work will be shown in an exhibition in Folk Hall on the final day that is open to family and friends.
The program is scheduled for June 13-24 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. To apply, students should submit the following three items:
- Student application
- Parent authorization
- Recommendation letter from a high school art or design teacher
Recommendation letters should be emailed to and should include the subject line “Make it at Myers referral 2022.” The student’s full name should be included in the body of the email. The deadline to apply and submit a recommendation letter is Friday, May 20.
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